Who We Are

SD&CA stands for Strategic Delivery and Commercial Assurance. The name might seem like quite a mouthful, but we do a lot. Our work flows throughout the business and shapes its very direction.

We’re a relatively new and fast growing business unit. That’s why we created our ‘who we are’ statement, Deliberately Delivering Differently, and our business unit narrative. 

These sum up our intentions for how we want to work, and what we want to achieve. We know there are many of us, working across various teams on lots of different projects. Here’s a reminder of who we all are:

@one Alliance

Seven partners, endless opportunities. We are the Anglian Water @one Alliance. Working with our seven partners, we deliver more than half of Anglian Water’s capital investment programme. This includes the restoration or assembly of new Water Treatment Works and Water Recycling Centres, as well as replacing and providing essential infrastructure pipework to support both water and waste water distribution - serving more than six million people in the East of England (and Hartlepool Water). Our partners are Anglian Water Asset Delivery, Balfour Beatty, Barhale, MMB, MWH Treatment, Skanska and Sweco.

Asset Intelligence

The catalysts for smart asset decisions. Looking at, and working with, the data we hold around assets within Anglian Water, the Asset Intelligence team are at the forefront of data and digital transformation. Reporting on asset data, investigating all that we hold within the company, how we can maintain those assets, as well as being responsible for adding insight through intelligent analytics, we're the catalyst for smart decisions; leading, developing and accelerating the digital future.

Carbon Neutrality

Since 2007 we have set ambitious long-term goals to transform our business and reduce greenhouse gases. In 2019 along with other water companies in England we agreed a series of pledges as part of a new Public Interest Commitment to show leadership at a national level. One of the pledges was to achieve net zero carbon emissions for the sector by 2030.

The Carbon Neutrality team play a leading role in helping us all to transition our business and achieve our ambition of net zero carbon by 2030 and reduce capital carbon by 70% from a 2010 baseline over the same period.

To achieve this, we need to be innovative in designing new assets, optimise the energy we consume, and work collaboratively to increase our on-site renewable generation. We also need to measure with certainty the energy we use today, and forecast our demand in the future.

Commercial and Delivery Assurance

We assure that AWS secures value and is working within our internal and external contractual frameworks, to enable us to outperform the AMP7 final business plan. We cover @One, SPA, embedded alliances, AWS frameworks and suppliers, business streams and non-operational business units. For AMP7 we have developed a new delivery success metric (Capital Delivery Index (CDI) for AWS to monitor its Capital Delivery programme. We also set the contractual target costs across the business. We ensure that AWS effectively implements and delivers the self-assurance remit across all of our Alliances, and maximises the efficiencies through effective assurance strategies that can be implemented and used to support the AW business as appropriate.

We support AWS and our alliances to put in place the necessary commercial assurance and controls to successfully operate the new commercial models. This enables us to outperform, whilst maintaining compliance with contractual obligations. we do this alongside the management of the programme pool positions and yearly partner assessments for our Alliance. We are the owners of supply chain compliance to all key legislative requirements (GDPR, modern slavery etc.) and accountable for the management and verification of the Capital Delivery Overhead and the AWS Corporate Overhead associated with CAPEX spend.

Commercial Procurement

Due to the volatile economic environment, we find ourselves in fulfilling the changing needs of our business within the financial constraints we have, is becoming an increasing challenge.

Therefore, in April 2022 it was recognised that a more flexible, rapid response to these market and business demand changes were needed. With the full sponsorship of the Procurement Workstream, within our Cost Programme (being led by Steve Buck, Pete Holland and Jason Tucker), Karen Thompson formed an agile team with the focus of working within the business to mitigate supply chain resilience risk and inflationary pressures and to exploit opportunities that present themselves in the fluctuating market conditions.

As an agile team, the Commercial Procurement Team brings together expertise from across our business to effectively and rapidly release benefits. This team augment the “business-as-usual” activities being delivered by the existing supply chain team under Richard Beattie.

Delivery Portfolio Management

Delivery Portfolio Management’s mission is to provide leadership and industry-leading insights to successfully enable the efficient and transparent delivery of the Capital Investment Programme. We empower, not block and we work to remove barriers to enable outperformance. We strive to provide visibility that gives our business options, not surprises. We lead the foundation of “One View of The Truth” through the integration of our data and colleagues to provide clarity and consistency. We are navigators of AMP7. We work collaboratively to set the plan and we proactively measure progress against it. We use and openly share our information at the right time to enable our business to make the right decisions. If we deviate the intended outcomes we will always take the lead on ensuring we get back on track.

Engineering Excellence

The vision of this community is to ensure all our Engineers, of all disciplines, deliver at their highest professional level and ensure that, through shared learning, best practice, process and standards we uphold the highest standards of Health and Safety aligning to Anglian Water's Strategic Goals.

The objectives of the community are to:

  • Continually improve both specific and general discipline knowledge across the wider business by sharing best practice and learning.
  • To work towards common standards and practices which drive the highest level of output whilst improving our adherence to CDM duties.
  • Create an environment where innovation and change is embraced or actively sought to improve our ways of working, and our service to the wider business.
  • To strive to be the best version of what we can be. A commitment for continued professional development, of not just your own self but your colleagues also.

We actively engage with and deliver new technologies and effective ways of working by harnessing the power of our people. Innovation is all about doing things differently to deliver better results, now and in the future. In our business, we use an open innovation approach, which means we use ideas from lots of different sources including our employees, supply chain, academic institutions, and customers. Innovation happens throughout our business and it is the responsibility of everyone to ensure they are open and willing to embrace new technology and ways of working.

Maintenance and Engineering Services

Delivering safe and effective maintenance and engineering services across Anglian Water, we are Maintenance and Engineering Services, the newly formed team with the clear objective to provide a professional, collaborative and cost-effective service to our Water and Water Recycling colleagues and support them in delivery of our ODIs and business plan objectives. Our services include providing a planned electrical maintenance and advice service, statutory compliance services for areas such as lifting equipment and pressure vessels, estate management such as legionella, grounds maintenance and air conditioning and providing project engineering delivery. Having an in-house engineering workshop service means we not only deliver fabrication, repair and service exchange service, we also support and encourage the continuing professional development of in-house learning of key engineering skills.

Major Infrastructure

We deliver major infrastructure projects through an integrated project team that includes a variety of disciplines and skills. Key projects that enable our corporate objectives such as the SPA, CWWTPR (Cambridge) Project and the Reservoirs projects.

Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA)

The Strategic Pipeline Alliance (SPA) is creating hundreds of kilometres of new, interconnecting pipelines to help combat the impact of climate change and keep fresh, clean water flowing across our region. Our aim is to make the region, one of the most rapidly growing in the country, resilient to the risks of drought by securing water supplies for future generations. It is one of the biggest and most ambitious water infrastructure projects for a generation. When it is complete, the new pipelines will pump water from wetter parts of north Lincolnshire to drier areas in the south and east of the region.

The mammoth project is part of Anglian’s Water Resources Management Plan (WRMP), which looks 25 years ahead. The pipelines will take water from wetter parts of the north to drier areas in the south and east of the region. It will also strengthen local resilience by reducing the number of homes and businesses which rely on a single water source. The entire network is expected to go into service in 2025. Without taking this action, the East of England would face a water deficit of 30 million litres a day by 2025. That’s a shortfall of 4,380 Olympic swimming pools of water, every year.

We selected partners that bring a wealth of experience, new mindsets, thinking and innovation for what is an incredibly complex and challenging but exciting programme. They are: Anglian Water, Costain, Farrans, Jacobs and Mott MacDonald Bentley.

Supply Chain and Logistics

Our purpose is to add value and mitigate risk through management of Anglian Water’s supply chain. We spend around £600m per year with suppliers and source materials and services through 650 framework agreements. We aim to drive totex savings and manage inflationary pressure and risks. We are improving supplier performance and delivery through a transformed logistic service. We provide category insight into supply markets and risk management of critical supply chains, and maintain compliance to Public Procurement Utilities regulations and Anglian Water Covenants. We also manage and improve our corporate facilities to maintain safe and welcoming office accommodation that provides an environment to support our business goals and objectives.

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Our Partners

What’s at the event

This digital platform will give you the opportunity to explore how we are all contributing to Deliberately Delivering Differently. Everything is aligned to our three shared priorities: Clarity through purpose, Make Today Great, Best-in-class talent management. You will see and hear shared stories and information from teams that have a key part to play and directly see how within a challenging AMP period, when working as one united team, the amazing things we can achieve.

1. Clarity through purpose

Using our AW purpose to build strong foundations, making it clear what we each do and why it matters.

2. Make Today Great

Putting customers at the heart of everything we do to consistently deliver positive outcomes.

3. Best in class talent management

Future-proofing the business by retaining and recruiting a diverse, skilled, and motivated talent pool.

Frequently Asked Questions

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